just bought a pair of boots which are meant for marching from wad i heard from the saleswomen today. lol
dunnoe if its the same as my seniors' .. and lingyi said slight heel but i dun think mine is SLIGHT heel. LOL. was suspicious about the height of heel in the beginning alr.. but wad to do? i dun even noe if theres any other marching boots available in the shop.

ahh well. just stop worrying. you've got everything now except for the beret and the socks.. but i dunnid worry bout the socks cus i can order it through band!! wahaha. but.. not so sure if they have enuf beret for me. ://
haiz. i like, but dun like the uniform. lol. i like cus its okay-looking... LOL. not that kind of boomz! yeah get what i mean? ^^ and i can go round showing ppl im from band! LOL. i dun really LOVE band, nor HATE band.. its just okay... hmm. maybe in between like and neutral? haha. and. i like wearing diff. things from other ppl. HAHAHAHA. and i like to be regonized in special occasion whohohohoho. LOL. but count Emmanuel and heARTbeat concert out please. its like so embarassing ttm!! zz.
hahaha. anw.... i've got no band shirt, so no idea wad to wear for the second rehearsal, where we need to wear HALF DRESS. :/ i hope its not band shirt. :/ but.. if its not band shirt then wad would it be.. we cant possibly be wearing our blouse with vest and SHORTS right.. LOL. the only way to not look weird is: BAND SHIRTT!!! -taadaa!-
zz. forgive me for my lameness. -.- ARGHH ITS ALR 12.33AM. ZZ. got to sleep uh!! ltr cant wake up then tio scolding... OH SHYT. i havent pack my bag yet zz. kays haha bbyes!
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